I sent you a message

Did you get the message I sent you Abbu? I went to see your sister today. It took a while finding her resting place. Lots of new residents in that green space. I hope she is with you and conveyed my message to you.

I know from the Prophet’s (pbuh) hadith that the soul returns to the grave during the time someone comes to pay them a visit. They hear us. I thought to myself, well surely Phuppijan would have seen you by now?

All I asked for was for you to visit me and Ammi in our dreams. Sara has been seeing visions of you hugging her. I want to see you Abbu. And your beloved wife, the one you spoilt and thought of day and night and told us all to take care of her? Well she cant even talk to me without breaking down. You loved her so much Abbu. Please come in her dreams..and mine. Safia also is breaking from inside. I can sense it. Please visit us all Abbu. I love you.

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