Kill the Ego

Your words. Your way of life.

It is the Ego that causes arrogance. The arrogance that causes disobedience. The arrogance that makes the disobedient not seek forgiveness.

Everything that Shaitan stands for when he refused to bow down to Adam.

Abbu, unknowingly and subconsciously this is the one lesson of yours that stuck to me.

Kill the Ego.

The root cause of all issues in this world is Ego. It makes people think that they are the only ones right. Even if they are right, why rub it in? If the others don’t want to learn, then just pray for them. There is no need to keep fighting people about ‘your way or my way’. It is not ‘our way’ that makes them see the light but rather their own desire to seek the right way. Only then are they guided by the One who can change hearts and guide.

So many families breaking up. So many friends fighting over misunderstandings. All of this just causes the break of a society, a community, a family – one ego at a time.

What difference does it made if you like the green party and I like the red? What difference does it make if you think Italian food is better and I think Chinese is better? Why can’t we have different opinions and respect that? And yet, people bicker over the silliest things, giving more importance to those things than their own relationship. You on the other hand listened to the youngest and the oldest. With due respect to all.

When you left the world, you were not a rich man. Your possessions could fit in a suitcase. You lived as simply as one could despite access to so much around you.

Yet you had people who loved you, had only good to say about you, children who didn’t fight over frivolous things after you were gone. You have relationships and memories you gave people that most people don’t have. So many strangers did so much in your name so your hereafter could be blissful and peaceful. You were blessed and are still blessed.

I do believe its because you actually killed that ego and tried to keep relationships at peace and together.

You are still my role model.

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