Then and Now

My heart felt heavy this week. The mind keeps coming up with different things that bring to mind the illusion we live in. 1400+ years ago, we were told what is the best way to live. The way that will keep us at peace on earth and pave the way for a heaven promised. No one said it was going to be easy at the beginning but when we persevere then Allah makes it easy and then we see that it’s not so hard to live by His rules.

But today, so many generations later, we don’t even realize that we are immersed in a lifestyle of sin that we have gotten so used to that we are under the illusion of piety. Just because we love Him. Just because we pray. We think we are on the path to heaven. But are we?

1400 years ago the Quran was revealed and Allah says that this book holds the answers that can be applied in all times. Meaning: If it says that taking interest means war with Prophet and God, then no matter what year you are born in and die in that verse pertains to how you will be judged. Just like the Quran says it is forbidden to drink alcohol but it is understood that if you can’t drink it then you can’t serve it either, similarly, if you can’t take interest, you can’t willingly give it either.

I have heard every excuse in the book about this but really, if the Quran is for all time, then will any of those excuses work? Whether its for your house, your car, your student loan? Is it so important to live in a western world that we must bend the rules of God to do so? Or can’t we just survive somewhere in the world which may look like a poor country yet if we are adamant to work hard and seek to please God, He will help us? People tell me of all the issues in poor countries. Bribery, corruption. But if we migrate for Allah’s cause he will make things easier for us. There is no country perfect, but we must weigh the pros and cons for where practicing our faith is easiest.

When the angels seize the souls of those who have wronged themselves1—scolding them, “What do you think you were doing?” they will reply, “We were oppressed in the land.” The angels will respond, “Was Allah’s earth not spacious enough for you to emigrate?” It is they who will have Hell as their home—what an evil destination! Quran 4:97

The above verse could also be for a Muslim country, if it stopped you from practicing your faith, as we have heard of in some of those countries. And hence our mode of thought and action must not be nationalistic but rather be for where our Deen would be easiest to practice and live a clean Muslim life. If we can do that in the West without it eating at us everyday, then why not?

Entertainment is another example. We need entertainment all the time. Before people would work hard to keep house or bring a living home and hence entertainment was a few minutes a day, or just something you did once a week, mostly by visiting family and friends. Now, entertainment is TV related for the most part. TV/Movies/shows mostly have things that our eyes should not see and ears should not hear. And if we still finding fun with social gatherings, then be conscious of what our tongues must not say. But we are born into an era that watching TV is the safest and most innocent thing that we engage in for our entertainment. When my children pause their movie as their parents walk in, they know what they are watching is haraam…yes I am using that big word but we think haraam is something that is like drinking alcohol, murdering someone, etc..but haraam is watching and hearing things that are not allowed. Things that corrupt our hearts and minds. Our hearts know it but we have become so used to it that cussing or kissing has no meaning for us.

Indeed, We have destined many jinn and humans for Hell. They have hearts they do not understand with, eyes they do not see with, and ears they do not hear with. They are like cattle. In fact, they are even less guided! Such ˹people˺ are ˹entirely˺ heedless. Quran 7:179

1400 years ago, 500 years ago, 100 years ago we did not have TV. We were still not angels but the NOW that we live in vs. the THEN is so corrupted that I wonder what else is left for the corruption of our senses, our minds, our hearts that have failed to understand. We do not question our reality because we are growing into it. That is why in every generation the elders who have seen better and cleaner times shake their heads at the world and its youth corrupting, because it really is!

For it is people of Sound Heart, as Allah says, that will go into heaven. A heart that can ‘see’ , for the vision of that heart gets its light from Allah. We are living like zombies, consuming without question, no matter what we are fed. Just living and adapting to the corruption of this world.

And do not disgrace me on the Day all will be resurrected—the Day when neither wealth nor children will be of any benefit. Only those who come before Allah with a pure (sound) heart ˹will be saved˺.”1 Quran 26:87-89

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