Did I miss something here?

I drive down Main street in my town, a cute little downtown area where cafe’s and restaurants are bustling with people despite the masks and the line ups. But then I see the rainbow stripes on the streets, the rainbow flag outside storefronts, the rainbow benches outside the library and all of a sudden the joy of little town feel leaves my body.

October is also around the corner and its supposed to be Islamic Heritage month. The local school boards have websites up with some notable Muslims in Canada – the poets, the anchorwoman, the actress. Obviously there are a whole lot more notable Muslims but then my mind just asks this one question when I see these distinctions:

When did we start to emphasize sexuality and religion and start to point them out – pretending to accept but rather making them stand out as the other?

What on earth difference does it make what I do behind closed doors – or even if I do anything? And when did we hijack nature’s beautiful colors and give them to the LGBTQ?

Then again, where is the Christian heritage month? The Jewish heritage month? The Buddhist heritage month? The more they try to tell us they are “accepting us” by making us feel that wow, we have a whole month to ourselves, the more they alienate us and make us the ‘other’.

And then again, there is Satan, happy to see all of us wrapped up in one thing after another. Christmas, lets to go shopping! Thanksgiving, lets go shopping! Valentines day, lets go shopping! Mothers day, fathers day, secretary day…it just keeps going and going and going..I think I sound like the energizer bunny now but really? What stupid mindless world are we living in?

And yes, the rainbow that I usually love is starting to irk me every time I pass by the bench, the stripes on the street in chalk, the flags outside storefronts.

The world is about to self destruct – I think they’re calling it the great reset or something…yeah, that’s another thing Satan is confusing people with. Its’ not his fault though. Its ours. A lion roars, a bird flies, satan deceives. We are the ones that need to be on alert and understand his moves before we are trapped in the web of deception.

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