
Today’s been a misty day. Its been foggy, light rain, a little bit of cold seeping in the bones and the trees going red with the stress of the season. We enjoy their stress as it makes them cry red or orange. But I am not sure what they are feeling. On the other hand, that is what Allah decided for them and that’s what they are meant to do.

Us humans are supposed to ‘read’ as Allah commanded to the Prophet (pbuh). Read, to obviously learn. He also emphasizes to use our brains – the thing that distinguishes us from the animals and other creatures. He tells us to notice the creation, look at our own bodies and how it functions, to just ponder of the wonders He created – because that will lead us to understanding how the world works.

To ponder we need to think, to think we need to be silent, to be in silence we need to switch off noise.

Today Instagram, facebook and Whatsapp were down globally and I wondered how majority of the world was faring. Were they now ‘thinking’ or were they just fretting because their addiction was not being served?

My friend called me today. She’s a fitness guru..healthy eating, lots of exercise, mindfulness and all that. Very fit mashallah. But today she was calling me while on the treadmill and she was yawning and sounding really exhausted. As we got on to talking, she said that she’d been seeing some clients (she also does Reiki and counselling) and noticed that when the clients leave she gets so exhausted that she has to sleep it off and getting back up is harder. She also says this started when her husband got his first vaccine. She didn’t get one and I dont know how long she’ll be able to get away with it, but then I remembered the concept of vaccine shedding.

Needless to say its got us all ‘thinking’. People who want to give into the propaganda of ‘the conspiracy theorist’ might call anything non status quo a conspiracy theory – but thinking is very important. Why are people not mentioning the side effects of this vaccine? The strokes, the deaths, the clots and much more? I have 3 that have started since. I am also constantly ill and weak and so is my daughter.

Okay so yeah maybe its not a big deal for people. After all its a drug and some people can have adverse effects but they argue the overall health benefits are a lot more. hmm…is there proof of that?

More thinking since yesterday: Do you think all the ‘free vaccines in africa’ over the years was an experimentation for this very covid vaccine and what its ‘supposed’ to do? you can see, the wheels are churning.

Anyway, the biggest issue most of us have is this: how dare you force us to put a drug in our body when we have not consented? how dare you make it hard to walk out the door without the jab? That in itself should alarm people. Another thing: when did govt’s ever do things for free and dole out not only free drugs but financial incentives with it? America is one. Canada. and then Pakistan, a poor country – where is the free vaccine money coming from?

Think people think. When there were actual issues like polio, H1N1 etc. no one forced anyone. And now…short of hitting us on the head and waterboarding it into us, they are doing everything.

Okay, so I had to get this out of my system. On a good note, I got Abbu’s final book published today. I hope he smiles at me in my dream now. Can’t wait to see him.

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