We, The Minions

Zoom out. Further out, until you see the earth. Look at it and let it rotate. The continents. The oceans. The valleys and mountains. Take it all in and then look at the satellites orbiting around, capturing data.

Zoom in now. Go closer to each country, city and its peoples. Check the status of the world. The wars, the battles, the ‘conflicts’, the genocides. The pollution, the environment, the poverty the excesses.

Every single continent feels like its burning. Everyone is in turmoil. Scientists are at work. What are they doing? What is their goal? In the name of advancement and discovery, are they just satisfying their curiosity or do they think our lives will be better because of their discoveries?

Go back a few decades. Despite the conflicts, wars and diseases, the world was not burning as it is now. The confusion was not as rampant. People knew how to be human.

Now we are all confused. What diets to follow? What gender to be? What pronoun fits well? What clothes look good? Who is to blame for anarchy? Who is to blame for the conflicts? What medicines are good for us. How many vitamins to take? We are all now in a state of apathy, confusion, self absorption and hoping ‘science’ will come up with a solution. huh!

Zoom out again. Look at the laboratory we are all in. In the name of science, in the name of ‘peace’, in the name of a new vision for the world, we are living in a lab as rats, being experimented on and sadly we have become the minions to this so called world to new world vision.

Lab rats? Minions? what are we? I think even some of the scientists are minions to the puppeteers that are using them for experiments and enjoying their power. It is just a game of power.

Solution: Absorb yourself in your own connection to God. Work on what one has control over. Go back to the basics of holistic food, holistic lifestyle and simplicity. Less is more. Simple is better. Give to make lives of others better. Never forget the end of our lives is soon to come. Collect all the good deeds to take to your grave. Let the world do its thing. Don’t be experimented on. Don’t become minions.

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