Jellyfish society

I walked into the gym today and was asked: “Do you have any covid symptoms?”

Now what is one supposed to say to that?

If I have them and decided to come, will I say yes so that I get turned away? Naturally if that is not the case then I don’t have those symptoms – hence my desire to pump some weights and bike my way through a sweat!

I told my husband: ‘No one has common sense anymore. They just don’t think!’. His reply?: “If it ain’t on Amazon then its not common!” hilarious? No…plain old sad.

So while we are still talking about covid, choice or NOT for vaccines, let me get some more frustration out.

I don’t care what the governments are doing. I mean, I don’t know that big agenda to vaccinate us, scare us, then track us..I mean, they really care for us right? Why wouldn’t they want to know where we are all the time? We are the little kids and they are our parents after all. huh..

But then the people – given brains by God…All they want to do is eat, buy, mate, bark- sorry i mean, argue….remind you of something? yeah animals! No disrespect for animals but thats what they were meant to do. But humans? We were made much superior because of the brain – the thinking mind, the knowledge we can soak and the steps we can take to make things better. Yet look around you.

As Hamza Yusuf says – everyone is now a jellyfish. Useless to the ocean. Useless to earth.

The thinking mind is so absorbed in the news and getting swayed by the tides, moving with the changing winds that its so suffocating to talk to people, even friends who have the education, the deen, the ability to ponder and think over God’s book. Yet CNN, WHO, BBC, etc. etc. They sway them like a pendulum. One day they want to meet you the next you are not vaccinated enough!

First the vaccination was going to save us. Now we are still A-symptomatic so not only prone but also dangerous to others. So keep that mask on! Until when? No one has any confidence in that jab they took and still look scared. Why then inject that jab in you? You said, lets meet when we have the mRna in apparently there is something more dangerous out there so lets meet when we get the booster! Are you really thinking the boosters will stop? Not until you are really brainless!

Are you really happy being a jellyfish? Or will you consider turning off your screen and just sitting in silence and thinking?

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