The Silent One

Dear Abbu

Salam to you and all your loved ones in the dimension that carries you.

I have been thinking – thoughts that gather in the mind as I lie in bed and then turn into long rants. Now I can share them with you and imagine you telling me something wise.

Did you ever feel that those that are practical and brave are the ones people rely on to get the work done but those that are able to cry, complain and make a fuss, people gravitate towards them to meet their demands, worry about them and make them happy? The silent ones are ignored because, hey , they are brave, strong, wise, mature.. but not emotional. They don’t feel. They don’t desire a kind word, some attention, some care…or so this is what I have observed all my life.

To all parents, teachers, aunts, uncles and siblings, seek out the silent ones amongst you or the brave ones not fussing or the ones that say, ‘its okay I don’t need anything’..because they have hearts that hurt and want but they have managed to push them aside, knowing from experience they will not get that attention. Knowing they need to just be there to support others. The good thing is that such experiences push them to only seek their God for everything.

Abbu you were like that. The simplest man, always in service to others. Never complaining but rather trying to pick up the pieces for others. I still remember the calls you made to me over and over again to help find jobs for my cousins, or tell them which courses to take or make calls to so and so so they can get on the right path. These cousins of mine were not your direct relation but to you it was not about blood relations but rather human beings who might be suffering or could be guided. You wanted to be the one to iron out life for people and especially youth and kids.

You were the silent one..the doer and hence you had nothing to show in material needs..No one who called you and asked you if they could do something for you but you were loved. That love was from Allah the Al Wudood, Ever Loving – who reflected your love for Him through the people. People who came to see you, meet you and share their love with you.

I want to be like you Abbu. Missing you as always when in this house, you were the one who read my heart. ❤️

One thought on “The Silent One

  1. Well said! The silent ones are ignored because….., not emotional. Insightful. But your father, if I think about it, was even above feeling bad about it. The silent ones do need emotional support, or at least respect, for being there for others. But your father was even stronger than the average silent strong person. He connected only to Allah SwT in working for Him. He didn’t need human respect or appreciation for his goodness. He ignored fatigue when someone needed his physical help. He ignored illness when he could use his mind and heart for others’ well-being. He got his emotional support only from the Lord Almighty and that was enough for him. I think your father’s greatest sawaab would come from trying to use his God-given time, abilities and talents to their best possible use, for himself and for others. May he rest in peace in the best possible abode. Aameen.



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