The Storm is Coming


We as human beings are frozen. Are we blind? Are we pretending to be blind? Or are we just plain stupid?

A storm has been brewing and we are sitting in our four walls, thinking we are safe. Some of us thinking that when the storm reaches our backyards we will figure out a strategy. Some of us in denial of any storm. It just can’t happen here – or can it?

In the past 1.5 years, even those without knowledge and wisdom should’ve seen the signs. Scholars have been going on about them for years but at the very least we should now be able to witness the change in the horizon.

But when a storm brews you need enough people to take action. One loner here and one loner there are no match for a storm. When I spoke about this storm I was told its not as bad. The leaders can’t afford to do this. But they are.

Whatever their agendas. Whatever their game. There is some reason to track us and keep us in fear. There is a storm alright. Just not sure how big it is. Is it a tornado, wild fire, a hurricane or a tsunami. I am guessing its prep for the latter.

Its time to act upon Prophet advice: Move to the mountains or stay and fight. Sadly we are so acclimatized to our material surroundings that we have made enough excuses why we can’t do either.

Hence unless Mercy comes from above, we will surely be enveloped in the storm – as it is getting apparent – and whatever will be will be.

Regardless of the consequences, let us not say we were blind. Let us at least know we are choosing our weaknesses over our freedom. God help us all!

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