The Freedom That Never Was

The first time I remember hearing the word: Freedom – was when I arrived in Minneapolis. The people in the United States of America talked with pride about the freedom of speech, freedom of expression..a free nation – and hence a creative and successful one.

With that freedom I witnessed people coming to our university campus and just gathering a crowd to bad mouth Jesus…something that offended me a lot! I was new and did not know what to do but I was furious that someone can just do that and people listened like puppets. Where was the freedom to criticize and stop this man?? But I guess there might have been that freedom, had people had the minds to exercise it.

In this freedom I saw people drink themselves senseless, abandon culture, religion and values and do whatever their hearts desired..or what the masses were doing – because it was in fashion. In this freedom I witnessed professors being ridiculed and men and women cheating on each other. But in this freedom I also saw that those who wanted to practice faith could do so as well, albeit the shrinking numbers.

Then 9/11 happened and I saw this ‘freedom oriented country’ change. All of a sudden if you said anything to challenge the media news about 9/11 you could end up in prison, vanished, targeted, thrown in jail with no evidence – Gitmo being a prime example. We saw the world shatter because Americans were free to shatter it – without rhyme or reason – without evidence..Just because they wanted to. Faith became a bad word. As did Muslim, Islam, Hijab. Life changed. We became careful about google listening in..What if we say something as a joke and it gets taken out of context?

March 2020 hit and the end to all freedom began. The freedom to choose if we want to be jabbed. The freedom to question what the politicians were saying. The freedom to have an opinion because we were making enemies faster than building tolerance to just listen to the other side. Now the world, and especially the West, seem to be taking that freedom away, making all those that felt they were actually free to breathe, start to choke. Survival lies in becoming part of those masses that just go along with what the majority says. You can’t survive if you have a different opinion. Your colleagues shun you, your friends dont want to meet you, your family members that have the opposite opinion look at you like you’ve lost it. Divide and conquer..the art of satan. This is the art of first giving freedom and then taking it away – people lose logic and start fighting.

We were duped. We were never free. We are only free in our minds and hearts if we are lucky. We are only free if we know Who is in control – not W.H.O being in control. Majority of us are now seeing the chains that were always there. They are now being pulled by the worldly controllers..go along with their plans and you won’t trip or try to break free and hurt yourself.

There is no choice left but to be free only internally.

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