The problem solver

Salam Abbu

I talk to you all day and forget that I should send you a written text as well – in case you are too busy in your world now to listen to me.

Yesterday was a busy day and I thought of you often. As you know, when in this country of ours, things start getting complicated. I had to get a local sim.I had to unlock my phone. I had to download all the mandatory apps to prove lots of post covid things. Ali took me everywhere but as you know: Jeddah traffic, and nothing gets done on time. And I kept thinking: how would Abbu do this? Where would he go? Because all my life, you have been the problem solver. The one who ran around. The one who got all jobs done.

I came home and sat on your lap and smelled your scent and cried that you have spoilt us so much that we are not able to move without your assistance but I am grateful that you had ingrained in me your ways and so I could just help Ali maneuver to the right places…with some mistakes of course. We are just learning to live without you Abbu. I don’t know if anyone of us can match up and be like you.

Ammi is constantly crying. I dont even know how to console her. She says, how will Sara and I just live here alone? You talked to me last year about her and wanted her to live with me. But I know she won’t. She hates Canada. Plus at her age, I am not sure if that is the right place. This place depresses me in winter and I should be used to it.

And then there’s Sara. She can’t live without Ammi..So complicated. How do people find the right solutions? Abbu please come in my dreams and just talk to me. I need to hear your voice, get your advice..once and for all..maybe at least once a week. I love you my beautiful father. I will visit you tomorrow inshaAllah.

2 thoughts on “The problem solver

  1. Your ammi ha ps lost her companion from a very long partnership. For a while, grieving is something she can’t help. Maybe that’s the only thing good for her long-term. She shouldn’t keep it in. The only way I can think for it, is that u might remind her sometimes that she is the sole support of her children now. If they keep seeing her grief, it will take them longer to come to terms with the loss. And your father actually also showed the way how to respond to loss of a loved one. Maryam baji, his younger brother, Deedi, his parents; it’s part of Islam to give up to God’s will when His servant returns to Him. And when it’s such a special person, we have to be happy for them to have lived n departed as a wonderful muslim. And being relieved of his innumerable health issues that he bore without complaint. Your abbu would be patient with, but not be happy that his loved ones, especially his cheery wife, are so sad.


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