The Book and The Plan

I got curious. I downloaded The Brave New World and decided to read what the fuss is about. Written in 1939 by a very obvious Satanist, its a book depicting the future. A very dark and bleak future for anyone wanting to live a life of morals, ethics, faith. It’s a book depicting babies being born in labs via test tubes, no family life, no rules. Everyone living a joyful life of immorality very freely.

The writer names a mastermind behind all this: Mustapha Mond. I mean, how dare he take that name and use it for evil? But then again, this book has an agenda. The thing that blew my mind was this: On page 38 it clearly mentions the plan to use an organizations’ invention to get rid of the way babies are naturally born so that no woman can carry a child but rather test tube babies are made, hence opening the door to testing on babies’ psyche and using that on adults, creating multiple ‘twins’ to have more productivity in consumerism etc.

“The discoveries of Pfitzner* and Kawaguchi were at last made use of. An intensive propaganda against viviparous** reproduction . . .’

*Does this sound like something we’ve been hearing recently?

**bringing forth live young that have developed inside the body of the parent

The book is indicating how the use of science and technology will change the way humans will think and will have a full influence on their lives. Surprise Surprise!

Needless to say, this book is so badly written and so dark that I stopped reading it. But it has gotten me thinking: How far they have come in their plan and how far they still need to go? Are we pawns in the game even though we know what is going on?

I brought this up to my husband and he said something that was also lurking in my mind: Let them plan – Allah is the best of planners. If he is letting them dig their hole deeper for hell, then so be it. A true believer is always optimistic, always believing in fate and accepting whatever is written. We need to do the best we can though – that is our challenge – not to just accept but to make more duas and be as careful as we can. To hang on to the Quran as the Prophet (pbuh) suggested: study it daily and understand it.

But for those of you who did not know about the way Satan plans, then announces to the world what he is planning, this is a very good example. The sad part is, we will ooh and aah at this, and continue falling into his trap because we have weakened ourselves with the luxuries of this world – the luxuries designed to keep us trapped.

Is there a way out? Yes – God never closes the doors if we are looking for ways back to Him. The things that will work in taking the ‘dunya’ out of our hearts are nighttime prayers (tahajjud), consistency in all acts of worship, consciously hating sinful things, being mindful of them to avoid them and ask Allah’s forgiveness if we fall into them.

It’s a slow process but The Brave New World and its likes can just go on planning. If we turn to Allah, He will keep us protected, Inshallah!

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